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Keeping Edmond on the path forward is not the job of
one person or organization. Intentional communities are
built by thoughtful leaders willing to work together for good.

Board of Directors

Dr. David Chapman
Clay Coldiron

Todd McKinnis

Josh Moore

Matthew Myers 

Edmond Alliance 2050 is a 501(c)(4) Oklahoma corporation with dues paying members that will meet regularly to educate our alliance on relevant real estate and construction items through subject matter experts and discuss current topics that require action by our group. Our actions include:

  • As an alliance, we will engage in supporting responsible growth in City of Edmond projects, policies, and processes. 

  • We will offer a voice of truth based on facts and data that support the real estate and construction industries. We will oppose any false narratives being promoted by opposing voices that confuse the public.

  • We will endorse and financially support candidates for Edmond City Council and campaign for ballot measures that support the alliance as a unified body.   

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